Carlos Agustín Muñiz Osorio is from the town of Dorado, in the northern archipelago of Puerto Rico. A product of public school, he was a biology teacher and completed a master’s degree and doctorate in Curriculum and Teaching at the University of Puerto Rico, at the Rio Piedras Campus. From there, the EcoPaz Project was born. He has 24 years of experience in projects with educational centres in Puerto Rico through workshops in science, mathematics, ecology and Culture of Peace. He directed the Puerto Rico section of Amnesty International and collaborates with the UNESCO Chair of Education for Peace. He researches in the areas of Ecopacifism, Ecopedagogy, Ecology and the Earth Charter from a Caribbean perspective and its impact on the emerging situation of Global Warming, injustices and social inequalities. He is currently an Associate Professor at Sacred Heart University in the area of general education and teacher preparation in the Education Programme. He is a life companion to three woderful people; Naomi Liz, Lorenzo and Daniela.